As clever and highly regarded as it is, I can’t say I particularly warmed to Harold Pinter’s The Dumb Waiter. An atmosphere of frustration and menace permeates the setting – a basement in Birmingham. A couple of hit men are awaiting instructions for their next assignment.
Under the mantlepiece in their room is a dumbwaiter, which delivers food orders. But in this case, it’s food that the pair didn’t ask for. In the same area is a “speaking tube”, down which the instructions for the next “hit” will be relayed.
A great deal of deliberate absurdity infiltrates The Dumb Waiter. It reminded me of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot.
Director Paul Watson has remained true to Pinter’s staging (Michael Watson designed the actual set), but I found the vacuous nature of the conversation between the thugs tiresome. Not that there was anything wrong with the acting. In fact, quite the contrary. John Wood and Don Bridges effortlessly inhabited their characters.
Alex First
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David Edwards is the former editor of The Blurb and a contributor on film and television