
Emilia Perez – movie review

A striking musical drama, written and directed by Jacques Audiard, Emilia Perez constantly shocks and surprises. Rita (Zoe Saldana) is an overqualified and undervalued lawyer at a Mexican firm that is more interested in getting criminals off the hook than bringing them to justice. After one such case, she is sought out by whispered, gravelly…

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Avatar: The Way of Water – movie review

The magnificent journey that is Avatar continues with awe-inspiring distinction in The Way of Water.  The franchise has maintained its ability to mesmerise and excite.  Seeing it in 3D on the biggest screen possible, with the most advanced sound, served to heighten an already captivating experience. Maestro James Cameron doesn’t do anything by halves and…

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Vivo (Netflix) – movie review

For quite a while now, Disney/Pixar has “owned” the animation space. The decline of Dreamworks Animation has left the field basically open to them. But competitors are emerging, including (relatively) smaller player Sony Pictures Animation. Their first animated musical, Vivo, is a swing for the fences. Vivo sees the storied Lin-Manuel Miranda (In the Heights)…

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Missing Link – film review

In the animated adventure Missing Link, Sir Lionel Frost (Hugh Jackman) is a fearless adventurer who investigates myths and monsters. He cuts a dashing figure globetrotting, but his peers don’t believe his latest “discovery” because he has no proof. But Sir Lionel wants recognition, so he sets off on yet another adventure. This time it’s…

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