
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Regent Theatre) – theatre review

Straight from the West End, the new, reimagined production of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat is a delightful, fun, engaging and dynamic family musical. Wonderfully directed by Laurence Connor, it is based on the biblical character Joseph. Seen as his father Jacob’s favourite son, he is gifted a beautiful technicolor coat by his dad. That enrages his…

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Moonage Daydream – movie review

David Bowie was unquestionably a creative genius for whom “safe” and “middle of the road” didn’t cut it. He was innovative. He pushed himself. He liked to live life on the edge and admired others who did. According to the family-endorsed documentary Moonage Daydream, he was heavily influenced by his older half-brother Terry Jones who…

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