Essential Tremors (Hooper Crescent) – music review

Essential Tremors is the sophomore album from Australia’s own Hooper Crescent. It marks a significant progression from their debut, Object Permanence (2020), and showcases their melodic, off-kilter sound through 11 tracks of sonic experimentation and playful songwriting. The album comes off fresh from their polished studio environment and with the assistance of engineer/producer John Lee contributing to its punchy moments that add to its richness.

The musical style on Essential Tremors is a true fusion of art-pop, post-punk, and experimental new-wave. Their sound is marked by wiry rhythms, captivating melodies, and a harmonious blend of propulsive energy and introspective interludes. The integration of heavy synth and drum machine introduces layers of depth and texture to their songs that will consistently have you foot tapping to the beats.

Hooper Crescent sound more focused and complete as they expand on their rhythmic new wave qualities. The album demonstrates a progression from their earlier work, showcasing a more cohesive record through collaboration with producer John Lee (Laura Jean, Lost Animal, The Stroppies). This is where you can tell the band is having fun as it all comes together in the studio but maintains a crisp vibe.

“Late Night TV” is a supercharged track that highlights Hooper Crescent’s punchy, rhythmic style. “Carnival” demonstrates the band’s knack for creating a post-punk edge through repetition, with satisfying payoffs. “Wrong Direction” bounces along with duel female/male vocals as it showcases the groups guitar skills with its rhythmic riffs.

Hooper Crescent’s lyrics on Essential Tremors are marked by wit, punch, and a sense of unrelenting propulsion. They explore themes of modern life, relationships, and societal observations with clever wordplay and poetic imagery.

Thomas Wilde
For more of Thomas Wilde’s music reviews, check out The Fire Note

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