Blend drag, burlesque, circus, irreverence and the sensational sound of songstress Sahara Beck and you have the ingredients for a top night of fun and frivolity. That is Bite Club: 2nd Serve from cult cabaret-style mischief makers Briefs Factory. There are eight Briefs’ performers, alongside Beck on guitar and vocals, and the other members of her band, making 12 in total.

The frivolity starts before the show, as the Briefs – kitted out to the nines, some in full makeup, with big hair – interact with the audience, selling raffle tickets. The tone is set for an evening of hijinks and, soon enough, that arrives. Potty-mouthed mirth and merriment is interspersed with seriously impressive circus skills and a brilliant repertoire of original music.
I fell in love with the output from Sahara Beck, a soaring vocalist par excellence, who has described her style as alternative pop. With a mix of soulful and dynamic numbers, she brings emotional resonance to a show that is highly energetic. At the start of Act II, she struts her stuff while perched on a trapeze. Mind you, the remainder of the circus craft is left to the Briefs, who swing, twist, tumble and turn skilfully, while making it look all but effortless. Huge plaudits for that.
In many instances the highest of heels and the flounciest or slinkiest and most outrageous outfits, replete with feathers, is the order of the day. Cue significantly higher degree of difficulty. The emcee Fez Faanana enjoys an easy repartee with the audience, which is clearly out for a good time, as the vibe in the room is one of excitement and anticipation.
While the transition between some numbers was smoother than others on opening night, the impact of the show was never in doubt. Briefs are totally at home in their wheelhouse. They are masters of their craft, brilliant, boisterous, bawdy and brazen. They have a devoted legion of fans. Injecting a full voiced Sahara Beck into their act is a stoke of genius. Bite Club: 2nd Serve is on at Playhouse, Arts Centre Melbourne until 29th September, 2024.
Alex First

Alex First is the editor of The Blurb. Alex is a Melbourne based journalist and communications specialist. He also contributes to The Blurb on film and theatre.