Houseghost has a fairly straightforward overall approach to the punk genre as they fill their record with two- to three-minute songs that all feature some great blistering guitar work and punk harmonies that easily get stuck in your head. The band features both Kayla and Nick on lead vocals as the sister and brother each bring a little something different on their lead tracks. Kayla’s songs have a little more melody to them, as her voice has a very indie quality to it that fits in with some contemporaries like The Beths, Martha and Wednesday. Nick, who is also in the punk band The Raging Nathans, has more grit and force to his vocals that produces faster in your face songs. It is a mix that works for Houseghost, as it also has some X qualities you can hear in the album when they both join forces.
Another Realm is a solid 31 minute ride as you really can hear how much this group enjoys just making music. Its foot tapping spirit both plows ahead with its quick punk guitar runs but also has this nice undertone of indie rock when Kayla has the lead. This combination gives Houseghost their niche sound and one that makes it very easy to spin again and again!
Christopher Anthony
For more of Christopher Anthony’s music reviews, check out The Fire Note
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The Fire Note started to create a simple place that could showcase records that we liked. Nothing more, nothing less. The focus has always been about the album and the experience that a great record creates. The Fire Note Webzine builds on this idea by offering an array of content that is all about the enjoyment of music, its pulse and energizing attitude.