If you took Melbourne’s Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters temperature from the opening riff on their new and fifth album, Waiting In A Corner, you would call the doctor because this band comes in hot, stays hot and never simmers. Jackson Reid Briggs’ punk style has plenty of classic rock running through their veins and back in the day would have been tapped to open up for AC/DC while also being able to support The Stooges.
That classic edge keeps your feet tapping but the band has a modern snarl to them that will bite as it will keep pushing you through today’s grind. If you have been a fan of their previous work, you will instantly notice that Waiting In A Corner has a heightened production as all of its pieces are a bit clearer to the ear like the big rock chorus on “Been Waiting.” Or on the big crowd call out in “Eaten Alive,” you can hear the grit and gruff and can only imagine how this song will pop in a live performance.
What I really like here is that the band pushes their songs with longer structures as several tracks cruise by the five minute mark. This time frame lets everything hang loose with the group as it allows plenty of call and response moments, mini guitar jams and ultimately just drives the point of the song down your throat!
Waiting In A Corner highlights that Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters have done their time. Everything they have released before this record has now molded them into this intensely tight punk rock group that has delivered one of their best albums to date. You honestly could just play the one minute instrumentals, “Intro” and “Outro,” to realize this album will kick your ass – and you should let it!
Christopher Anthony
For more of Christopher Anthony’s music reviews, check out The Fire Note
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The Fire Note started to create a simple place that could showcase records that we liked. Nothing more, nothing less. The focus has always been about the album and the experience that a great record creates. The Fire Note Webzine builds on this idea by offering an array of content that is all about the enjoyment of music, its pulse and energizing attitude.