5 Australian Podcasts You Should Subscribe To – audio review

One thing to add to the list of our new first world problems is the lack of commuting time that we’d normally have to devote to podcasts.  Maybe that’s been on the drive in, or as you studiously ignore making eye contact with anyone on the train.  You may have to get a little more creative in how to carve out some time for your pod people now with your house packed full of (shudder) family members, but multi-tasking and double screening is something that most of us are happily now masters of.  Here are five Australian made podcasts that may suit to distract, soothe or inform.

Photos by Jessica Lewis from Pexels


Yes, this is a no-brainer.  If you are not listening to this as part of your daily routine by now, hit that subscribe button immediately.

The fact that Australia has been holding its breath for the last few days to see if Dr Norman Swan’s flu symptoms are corona virus (they are not) is indicative of the high esteem in which we now hold this particular medic. A voice of calm in a sea of panic and misinformation, Dr Swan’s short daily podcast on the ABC (Mondays to Fridays) provides a quick and concise snapshot as to anything new learned about the world changing virus.  Co-hosted by Tegan Taylor.

Mamamia Out Loud

The flagship of the impressive swag of podcasts that the team at Mamamia produce, Mamamia Out Loud has consistently been a staple of many Australian auditory diets.  Its three presenters have upped their content in home isolation and are now dropping an episode three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Mia Freedman, Holly Wainwright and Jessie Stephens are the girlfriends you wish you had in isolation with you as they honestly take apart all that is relevant in the lives of Australian women, inclusive now of their own personal takes on how the world has recently gone to hell in a hand basket.  Mamamia Out Loud has always been both ridiculously reassuring and entertaining and in the current time, has become surprisingly important in providing comfort as well.


Casefile has always been the thinking persons true crime podcast.  Blissfully minus the bells and whistles, Casefile has stayed the path with its one anonymous narrator delivering consistently well written episodes about both solved and unsolved true crime cases from Australia and overseas.  More complex cases are delivered over a few episodes and for someone who listened to the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker episodes BEFORE the killer was caught in the US, I can say that the Casefile episodes held up extremely well.  Listen in the dark where you won’t be distracted as there’s often a lot to take in.  This is the true crime podcast that you will never let leave your library.

Welcome to Patchwork

Three old friends sit together and discuss all the little things that irk, entertain and befuddle.  Dion, Josh and Christian take entertaining banter to a whole new level in their comedy podcast that has been an extremely polished production since the very first episode. Featuring gags, regular skits and mini dramas every episode, Welcome to Patchwork cleverly digs out the comedy and the frustration in everyday Australian life and delivers it via three clever Melbournites.

Welcome to Patchwork discusses the vagaries of what should be regarded as correct behaviour, what is ‘really really good’, and everything else that should be held up to the light for close and sarcastic inspection.

The Clappers

Listening to these two hosts bounce off each other’s whipsmart wisecracks makes you wish you had more intelligent friends and workmates to dissect your blizzard of entertainment options with. The Clappers keeps you up to date with anything from theatre, music, books and whatever else a well dressed man can get out to experience in Sydney.  Andrew Young and Carl Quinn give their well constructed lowdowns on what can currently be enjoyed in person or from your couch and their interests are both wide and varied. Frequently funny and always bitingly incisive, if Young and Quinn say you should give something a whirl, you really really should.

More “5 Podcasts You Should Subscribe To” to come!

Andy Thompson


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