
We’re Banking On It! (fortyfivedownstairs) – theatre review

A contemporary twist on an old fancy, Monash University Student Theatre (MUST) in association with Bloomshed, have taken aim at supermarket greed. The plot is drawn from the satirical play The Government Inspector (1836) by Russian dramatist and novelist Nikolai Gogol. It is a comedy of errors, satirising greed, stupidity and political corruption in Russia. In The Government…

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Milked (fortyfivedownstairs) – theatre review

Mateship, isolation and mental health are on the line in the darkly comedic Milked. Paul Roberts (William McKenna) and Snowy (Laurence Boxhall) have been friends for years. Now in their early 20s, they live in rural Herefordshire, in the West Midlands of England. Paul has graduated from university and is busily looking for work. He has his…

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