
Percy vs Goliath – movie review

In 1998, 70-year-old Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser was sued by the giant agricultural Monsanto company for “patent infringement”. That battle provides the source material for Clark Johnson’s film, Percy vs Goliath. Schmeiser grew canola crops on his property near the town of Bruno. Apparently some genetically modified canola seeds blew onto his crops and Schmeiser…

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Dream Horse – movie review

The noble sport of kings – horse racing – has produced many feelgood and inspirational dramas about champion horses and human-interest stories. We have had films about champions like Seabiscuit and Secretariat as well as our own champion Phar Lap. And there have been films like The Cup which depicted both Media Puzzle’s extraordinary win…

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In the Heights – movie review

Before Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Cultural phenomenon Lin-Manuel Miranda finally brings his Broadway musical about the largely Latin-American community of Washington Heights to the big screen. He once again collabs with Quiara Alegría Hudes (who wrote the book for the musical) and brings in Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians) to direct. The…

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Fast and Furious 9 – movie review

If there was any doubt The Fast and Furious franchise couldn’t up the ante, #9 eradicates that. Think outer space and mega magnetic force for starters. It’s action-packed from start to finish, with no shortage of surprises. The central concept is a feud between two brothers as a result of their father’s untimely death on…

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Heroic Losers – movie review

Sebastián’s Borensztein’s Heroic Losers is a feel-good comedy set in a small Argentinian community in the early 2000s. Fermin Perlassi (Ricardo Darin) and his wife, Lidia (Veronica Llinas), decide they will take over an abandoned grain store facility and form a cooperative. Doing so will require financial input from many of the locals who are…

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Cousins – movie review

The New Zealand drama Cousins deals with themes of family, culture, and the impact of colonialism on the indigenous population, all of which should also resonate strongly with Australian audiences. The film is based on the 1992 novel written by Patricia Grace, which spanned several decades. Actor, playwright and writer and co-director Blair Grace-Smith (Grace’s…

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