Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Capitol) – theatre review

Very few stage productions can boast superlatives like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (‘Joseph’), now on at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre. From start to finish, this production is magnificent musically, colourful in its presentation, engaging in its staging and outstanding in its efficaciousness.

First presented by Andrew-Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice in 1968, Joseph loosely follows the biblical tale of Jacob’s 11th son, Joseph. You can fact check the Book of Genesis if you wish, but the gist of the story is that Jacob favoured Joseph above his other children by presenting him with a very fine coat. This, coupled with his dreams of greatness, alienates his siblings. They conspire to sell Joseph into slavery, whereby he ultimately earns the ear of Pharaoh and the powers and privileges that go with it. The rest, as we say, is history.

Lloyd-Webber and Rice demonstrate in this early work that they are masterful storytellers. Attention is easily maintained through characterisation, narration and catchy pop-style compositions. The production is super family friendly, despite some dark themes permeating the plot. Issues regarding slavery, cruelty, envy and deception get a good airing. But they are counterbalanced by ambition, freedom, kindness, compassion and forgiveness.

The music of Lloyd-Webber is memorable and endearing. Several styles are used to engage a modern audience. There is mellow, country and western, rock ‘n roll, calypso and swing, among others. The band has a full complement of instruments and sounds.

The entire cast was mesmerising, including the numerous boys and girls who won the hearts of the audience. With an impressive vocal range, Paulini dazzles as the Narrator. Her energy binds the story and cast. Euan Fistrovic Doidge is a name to remember. He gives everything as Joseph. His amazing technicolor coat is only equalled by his beaming smile. Playing Pharaoh is Trevor Ashley. His Vegas-style numbers, performed under a neon “Welcome to Fantastic Egypt” sign are bewitching.

With 19 songs, all perfectly choreographed, Tim Rice’s lyrics are honoured in this superb Sydney production. Landmark ballads ‘Any Dream Will Do’ and ‘Close Every Door’ are moving, while other notable numbers include ‘Jacob and Sons’, ‘Stone the Crows’ and ‘Benjamin Calypso’.

And what about the other star of the show, the ‘Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’? It is everything you’d expect, and more. Vibrant, brilliant and striking are words that come to mind. But to be fair, all costumes, staging, lighting and sound are perfectly in sync. There is lots of gold, animated camels and statues of Egyptian gods playing guitars. Who could ask for anything more?

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is just the feel-good, pick-me-up remedy we have all been waiting for post COVID. And when the finale ‘Joseph Megamix’ arrives, I dare say you will be on your feet clapping and dancing.

Paul Kiely
For more of Paul Kiely’s writings on theatre, check out Absolute Theatre

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