The slack rock from Wimps is a take back to simpler times when talking about your wretched living quarters, being the older and wiser one at a party or the temperature in the basement was the “it” thing. Those unassuming topics are what drives Suitcase and its quick undertone of punk that is smart, funny and tight.
This trio never lets up off the gas and will make you smile around every catchy lyric. “Old Guy” is a true highlight and is about just that as it starts out “The old guy – at the party tonight.” It will not only hit home with some of you but the younger crowd should pay attention as well to understand the situation. Youngsters will recognize when the lines “all the stuff, you have done I’ve seen 1000 times before” is truthfully stated and then the explosive chorus tells it like it is as the Wimps sing “No! I’m not your Dad / No! I’m not the landlord shutting you down / No! I’m just a man with no plans trying to spend some time at night getting out of the house – but hey kid – Yeah? Can I borrow a beer? No! I already drank the one that I brought with me on the way over here!” Perfect execution.
This consistent angular post-punk keeps Suitcase rolling as the Wimps story is very easy to identify with even though you may not want to admit it. “I haven’t cleaned my room for weeks” starts off “Dump” and when the chorus “I live in a dump” is churned out over and over it brings back sweet memories! This carefree delivery will quickly align you with the Wimps worldviews but their skilled and precision playing will make you a long term fan of Suitcase.
Label: Kill Rock Stars
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Christopher Anthony
For more of Christopher Anthony’s music reviews, check out The Fire Note
David Edwards is the former editor of The Blurb and a contributor on film and television