Written by actor Damien Hill (Neighbours) and directed by Paul Ireland, Pawno is a gritty ensemble-driven slice of life drama and also a love letter to the suburb of Footscray and its multicultural nature and colourful inhabitants. It revolves around a seedy and cluttered pawn shop located in Barkly Street and the motley character who pass through its doors during a period of twenty four hours. The film itself follows twelve intertwined individual stories that deal with themes of lost love, last chances, new beginnings, heartache and despair.
The shop is run by the gruff, weary Les Underwood (played by John Brumpton), a former boxer who, on the surface, displays little compassion for the various clientele that do business with him. His assistant is the shy and vulnerable Danny (played by writer Hill), who is in love with Kate (Maeve Dermody, from Beautiful Kate, etc), a pretty girl who works in the bookstore down the road.
During the course of the film we meet a diverse range of characters, including Jennifer (Kerry Armstrong), a mother worried about her missing son; the seemingly lonely transvestite Paige (Daniel Frederickson) who finds life something of a struggle; Harry (Tony Rickards, also from Neighbours) an inveterate gambler who is growing increasingly desperate; and Tony Robinson (played by Cop Shop‘s John Orcsik). a man who pawns his video camera but who also has a secret to hide.
And we also meet Pauly (Mark Coles Smith, from Last Cab To Darwin) and Carlo (Malcolm Kennard, from the mini-series The Devil’s Playground) a streetwise duo who hang around on the streets smoking and talking nonsense. There is a seemingly improvised nature to their riffs and banter, but as characters they add little beyond an amusing diversion.
Hill’s script is filled with a raw honesty in its examination of these characters. This is the debut feature for former actor turned director Ireland (who has been seen in lots of television series such as Rush, Outland, etc), and he handles the material with sensitivity and seems attuned to the characters and their foibles.
This is one of Brumpton’s best roles since the horror film The Loves Ones. His Underwood is the most interesting pawn shop owner since Rod Steiger’s Oscar-nominated turn as a former concentration camp survivor running his own shop in New York in Sidney Lumet’s searing 1964 drama The Pawnbroker. Underwood is a volatile character and a former boxer who puts this skill to good use when dealing with a tough and demanding character.
Shot on the streets of Footscray itself Pawno is a great achievement for first time director Ireland, who manages to stretch his limited budget a long way. It is a testimony to the strength of the script that Hill and Ireland have been able to attract such a strong ensemble cast to bring to life the various characters. Some are more memorable than others, but they make for a colourful cross section. The strong soundtrack features music from Tom Waits and Vance Joy and complements the gritty drama.
Director: Paul Ireland
Cast: John Brumpton, Damien Hill, Kerry Armstrong
Release Date: 21 April 2016
Rating: MA 15+
Greg King
David Edwards is the former editor of The Blurb and a contributor on film and television