A disturbing drama about a smart but wayward 17-year-old boy, Is This The Real World is the independently made first feature from Melbourne-based writer and director Martin McKenna.
Mark Blazey (Sean Keenan from Puberty Blues) is part of a chaotic family – a heavily tattooed older brother, Jimmy (Matt Colwell), who is always in trouble with the law; single mother Anna (Susie Porter), who drinks too much and works into the night; and a younger sister Marley (Elise MacDougall). They live with Keenan’s grandmother, known as Gamma (Julia Blake). Mark has just thrown away a scholarship to a private school for a reason that is never spelt out, although it is clear that somewhere along the line Mark messed up. Now he finds himself at the local high school and in the vice principal’s office, where he is being cajoled to tow the line.
It quickly becomes clear that the VP has it in for him, just like he had for his older brother. He lauds it over Mark and crosses the line in terms of acceptable behaviour. Mark at first is tested and teased by his new classmates, but the opprobrium is short lived. Also taking a keen interest in him is Kim (Charlotte Best), the vice-principal’s daughter and it is only a matter of time between Kim and Mark get together. But then an audacious and impulsive plan only leads to more trouble. In fact it appears no matter what he does, trouble and heartache follow Mark around. Mark is, in large part, a closed book, someone who hides his real feelings, but is clearly struggling.
With an “artsy look” to it, Is This The Real World uses effects such as black and white vision to start the movie (that only lasts for a few minutes) and slow motion during a number of sequences. It is a slow burn of a film that takes a while to get a handle on and get into. I dare say many won’t have the patience or the inclination to stick with it. I should say though that I wasn’t one of them.
There are a number of distressing and disorientating scenes in which Mark is targeted. There is something about Sean Keenan though that results in not being able to take your eyes off him. It has to do with the expression on his face and the way he carries himself in spite of the obstacles that are put in his character’s way.
Martin McKenna clearly has something to say as a new and emerging filmmaker and if this effort is anything to go by, his career may be well worth following. Rated MA, Is This The Real World scores a 6½ to 7 out of 10.
Director: Martin McKenna
Cast: Sean Keenan, Charlotte Best and Matt Colwell
Release Date: 9 June 2016 (limited)
Rated: MA 15+
Alex First
David Edwards is the former editor of The Blurb and a contributor on film and television