The edgy, psychedelic 60s-themed drama, Aquarius is returning for its second season on the Presto on-demand service from 17 June. The show will kick off with a special three-episode premiere ahead of its weekly schedule. Episodes one to three will stream express from the U.S. on Friday, 17 June. Following the initial three episode drop, new episodes will continue to stream express from the U.S. every Friday.
Meanwhile, an important new friend sees Manson and his growing family on the brink of a psychedelically glamorous future. But, as the future unfolds – knowingly or not – everyone is playing their part in blindly weaving a tapestry of tragedy…
The cult drama also stars Australian beauty Claire Holt (The Vampire Diaries), David Meunier (Justified), Emma Dumont (Bunheads), and Game Of Thrones star Gethin Anthony as Manson.
David Edwards is the former editor of The Blurb and a contributor on film and television