
Constellations (Lunatix Theatre) – theatre review

Life is about sliding door moments. The decisions we make … the directions we choose have consequences. And so it is with matters of the heart. British playwright Nick Payne’s two hander Constellations, which premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in London in 2012, tackles this conceit.

It starts with a decidedly left of centre pick up line at a barbecue from gregarious physicist Marianne (Maddie Richards). Her target is beekeeper Roland (Luke Hill-Smith). We see his reaction to the same line in various guises. He tells her he has a girlfriend, has just exited a long-term relationship, is receptive to the overture and on it goes.

Photos by Erin Lord

As Constellations (the title is suggestive of star-crossed lovers) develops, alternative plot lines are played out from male and female perspectives. In other words, scenes are often repeated with different outcomes. Courtship, morphs into living together, infidelity, separation and serious illness. The highs and lows appear in a succession of pointed vignettes, separated by blackouts and sharp music stings. They are an effective counterpoint to the ear pleasing piano numbers, which also punctuate the offering.

Constellations is a well written, intriguing, slice of life piece that resonates. It requires dexterity and drive on the part of the performers to navigate and that they do. Time and again, they switch personas seamlessly … in an instant. Romance, excitement, awkwardness, tolerance, frustration, anger, joy and despair are on show. When each bellows, I recoiled, such is their impact.

I appreciated the fact that the play was performed in an intimate space, where the actors are, on occasion, within touching distance of those seated in the front row. In other words, the former are exposed and need to be on their mettle to affect the full force of Payne’s narrative. With few props – a couple of pillows, small desk and chair, low rise two seater couch and standing lamp – it is all about the interpersonal dynamics of Richards and Hill-Smith.

Well choreographed by Carla Grcic, with tight direction from Adelle Richards, they bounce off each other admirably. It is a fine start for a new theatre company with a memorable name – Lunatix. Ninety minutes without interval, Constellations is playing at Bakehouse Studios in Richmond until 15th February, 2025.

Alex First

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