Star Wars: The Force Awakens – movie review

JJ Abrams (Mission: Impossible III, Star Trek) is the man of the moment and he deserves all the recognition he…

Movies we want to see – Boxing Day 2015 & January 2016

The Christmas-New Year period in Australia is absolutely the best time to see movies. Now only is it usually hot…

Suffragette – movie review

The early-20th Century struggle for women’s suffrage in Britain is given earnest, if somewhat pedestrian, treatment by director Sarah Gavron…

Wisdom Whisper by Blondi's Salvation – music review

You may not know much about the French music scene but they have quietly been churning out some great new…

The Jam: Fire and Skill – music review

It always mystifies me a bit when I hear the younger generation discussing early era British punk rock and rightfully…

The Marble Collector by Cecilia Ahern – book review

Remember playing marbles? I didn’t play marbles a lot, but the boys at school did and I can still remember…

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. – DVD review

Guy Ritchie (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, RocknRolla) is at the helm of this fresh take on the…

The Good Dinosaur – movie review

Disney’s latest animated adventure asks the question, what if the asteroid that forever changed life on earth missed the planet…

After Party (Owl & Cat) – theatre review

If you want to have a laugh and a bit of fun in the frenzied days leading into the festive…

Mississippi Grind – movie review

A couple of powerhouse performances are at the heart of this drama about a pair of gamblers, one of whom…